søndag den 24. februar 2013


E er i gang med at finde ud af, om han skal være noget andet, når han bliver stor. Jeg foreslog så, at han skulle tage en test for at finde ud af, hvilken "type" han var, og på den måde kunne han måske få en ide om hvilken retning, der ville passe til ham. Han tog en MBTI-test på jobindex.dk.
I korte træk går man ind og svarer på 10000 spørgsmål. Ud fra ens svar vurderes man i fire kategorier. I hver kategori er der to underkategorier, man kan ende i. Underkategorierne har hvert et bogstav, dvs at man i første kategori kan ende i enten underkategori "I" eller underkategori "E" osv. Altså er der i alt otte bogstaver, der kan sammensættes forskelligt alt efter, hvordan man er som person. (Kringlet, I know, men det er også lidt omfattende)
Jeg har fået taget sådan en test for nogle år siden og endte som en "ESFP"er. Da E tog testen endte han som INTJ. Dvs. vi har i grove træk INTET til fælles. Ikke et eneste bogstav går igen hos den anden. No freakin' wonder vi nogle gange fatter hat af, hvorfor den anden gør, som den gør!

Jeg googlede det lidt og et rigtig fint eksempel dukkede frem: (E og jeg var i øvrigt ved at dø af grin, for 80% af det er noget, vi har sagt til hinanden!)

Here's what life with an INTJ and an ESFP is like:

ESFP: Are you hiding in here?
ESFP: The house is full of people, why are you alone in here? You should be out there with them having fun.
INTJ: I am working on the household budget for next year. I like to work in quiet.
ESFP: But why... these are your family. Don't you want to be around them? Next year?
INTJ: They live here. I am around them all day. You at least get to leave the house for work! And yes, next year. The whole point of budgeting is the planning part.
ESPF: You think you would want to be around your family as much as possible.
INTJ: Not every waking moment.
ESFP: Well, I want to talk to you. It will be fun.
INTJ: I am very busy and almost done with....
ESFP: That's OK. Why have you been so mo... Hold on.
INTJ: Why did you turn the TV on?
ESFP: I thought it would be fun to watch this show about medieval atrocities.
INTJ: While we are talking? And why would you want to watch something like that?
ESFP: I want to know what those people were feeling.
INTJ: Well, how about we turn it off while we are talking.
ESFP: Killjoy. OK.. so why have you been moping around all day?
INTJ: Just deep in thought on some stuff. And I have not been moping. Moping is "Wander around listlessly and aimlessly ". I have been sitting here.
ESFP: Like what?
INTJ: Nothing I want to talk about.
ESFP: It must be something if you are moping around.
INTJ: It will be OK. It will clear soon enough. And I am not moping.
ESFP: Sweetie, you know I want to share your feelings. You hardly ever let me in there. Feelings don't go away by themselves. We need to get these things out in the open.
INTJ: OK... Yesterday you said...
ESFP: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH..... I knew it.. you hate me! Sometimes I wonder if you really love me when you say things like that. I must be just a pile of dirt.
INTJ: Um, what?
ESFP: Every time we discuss your feelings you do this!
INTJ: We've not actually discussed my feelings (ever). I didn't even finish my sentence (again).
ESFP: You did not have to. I know how you feel now and you want to know how I feel?
INTJ: (er... not really...)
ESFP: Unloved.
INTJ: Looks at ceiling
ESFP: Pouts
INTJ: (OK... lets examine what just happened... first she came in the room talking....)
ESFP: Lets go grocery shopping. It will be fun!
INTJ: Can I think about it?

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